Monday, December 31, 2007

"Looking back on a younger man, long ago and far away"

wow, I can't believe it's already 2008. This year has just flown by, and so much has happened. There has been many good times, and some bad, but overall I think it was a great year. I have meet so many great people over the course of this year, and I can't help but thank God for blessing me with so many good friends. 

I was actually talking with Adam Shaw about this on the way home from Rich and Lindsey's wedding saturday. It's hard to comprehend the situation I am in, and when I try, I get overwhelmed because of how many awesome people I have become friends with at school. and while I was disappointed that the timing didn't work out with a co-op in Boston, I've started to realize that maybe God has a reason for me being in town, rather than going away for three-months. I've still got plenty of opportunities in the future to experience other places, but right now, I am in a great place with great people. I couldn't ask for a better situation.

I am really looking forward to 2008, and everything God has planned for it. I hope you all had a great year, and that the new year fills your heart with joy!

P.S. the title of this post was for anyone who used to watch The Butter Cream Gang movie as a kid....

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"merry christmas, here's to many more"

So break has gone pretty well so far. Christmas was yesterday, and I really enjoyed spending the day with the fam, and getting to see my brother and sis-in-law because I haven't seen them since before fall quarter. I didn't get many presents, because our vacation to disney world/universal studios/cruise to the bahamas was our big present this year, which was amazing. It was a good time. I miss the 80 degree weather/wearing flip flops every day. I also got to see some other family on Christmas Eve which was cool too. Rich and Lindsey's wedding is this weekend, so I'm headin back to the nati for a couple days, then I think I'm going to come home for new years for a couple days before I start work at L-3. Right now, I think me and my dad are going to go check out a HD tv for the house. Should be pretty sweet. take it easy.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

"Vacation's all i ever wanted..."

vacation was freakin awesome. our parents surprised us with a cruise to nassau, bahamas, so that was pretty sweet. im really tired right now. im out.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

New beginning

So the quarter is officially over. I just finished my last exam today at 3:30, and I am so glad to be done. This was by far my hardest quarter for classes. I don't think I even did that well with grades. Hopefully it doesn't affect me too much. Oh well, now I am just looking forward to my family vacation in Florida in a couple weeks. It's been about four years since we last took a family vacation, and it is way overdue. I only got to see them once this quarter, mainly because I was so busy pretty much every weekend. I think next quarter though I am going to make an attempt to go home a couple more times. More and more I am finding that my life is now really in Cincinnati. I find myself referring to this as home, even though it really isn't. I don't know, I think because I am getting more involved navs and other stuff, and the majority of my friends back at home aren't there, or really haven't moved on with their life. And don't get me wrong, I love it here. I just think that maybe I need to make more attempts to see my family.

Life has been crazy lately though. I haven't really done much of anything this past week but study, which is really out of the ordinary for me because I hate to study. I just got a job at L-3 Communications in Mason, OH, which means I'll be living in town next quarter. For a while I thought that I might be in Atlanta or Boston, but those didn't pan out. I'm really looking forward to getting a break from school, and co-oping for winter quarter. Sometimes I question whether or not I should be in engineering, because I really don't know what I am doing. But I think that Co-op will help tremendously, since I will be learning a lot of new stuff in the next three-four months. God is wierd though. It's so easy to think that you have things figured out to some extent, then BAM!, something pops into your life so unexpectedly that you don't know how to react. I find myself constantly relying on myself, and not trusting God with everything. It's just hard for me. Usually I rely on other people for advice, but for some reason, I just don't know who to talk to. I think that's why I decided to start up a blog at 12:30 AM(even though I have to be at work in 5 1/2 hours). I just need to get all of this crap off my chest. It's the weirdest thing, I really want to talk to someone about it, but for some reason, everyone I think of, even my closest friends, I just don't feel like I need to bring this up to them. Really what it is, is that that I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. I had a mindset coming into this year about how things are supposed to go, but obviously God had other plans. Do I know why everything is happening this way? heck no. But I guess that's where relying on God helps out a lot.

I feel like I'm just babbling now. Not really looking forward to work in the morning. Oh well.